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SUV Car Rental Services

Get Ready to move along the roads of Dubai, the city of beautiful skyscrapers and marvels. At Mala Dubai, we offer a huge variety of SUV car rentals that not only enhance your travel experience but also make your traveling memorable. Whether you are here solo or with family and friends, you can easily find your car that will fulfill the need of the hour.

Why Choose SUV Car Rental in Dubai?

So, the question arises here is why you should choose an SUV when there are other types of cars also available. First and foremost, important thing is that it is totally your choice but SUV stands out of the crowd for the following reasons:

Luxury and Comfort

If you want a spacious place and comfortable interior then SUV suits the best. It offers a luxurious travel experience. An SUV ensures that you get a relaxed and smooth ride even on long journeys. Moreover, cheap car rental in Dubai often comes equipped with advanced suspension systems.


Nothing can match the versatility of an SUV that it has command of both; city exploration and off-road adventures. Whether you’re navigating Dubai’s bustling urban streets or exploring the nearby desert, an SUV ensures adaptability to different environments.

Safety Features

Find out some amazing safety features with our SUV car rental in Dubai. It provides peace of mind to the travelers. Enhanced visibility and stability make the travel time secure, especially when you are exploring unfamiliar routes.

Prestige and Style

Donโ€™t panic about the style and sophistication guys, you can enjoy a classy entry if you are on a special destiny. SUV car rental Dubai even makes your business travel full of excitement and style.

Climate Control

Another amazing thing that comes with SUV rental cars is the flexibility of individual climate control. Every passenger cab set their preferred temperature to enjoy the journey completely even in the hot weather of Dubai.

Ease of Rental

With various rental options and flexible booking periods, renting an SUV in Dubai is a hassle-free process, allowing you to tailor your transportation to your specific travel plans.

For Which Events SUV Suits Best?

To make you easier in selecting our SUV rent a car, we have enlisted some events for which SUV suits best:

Corporate Events

Everyone wants to arrive in style at the business meetups, conferences and other corporate sector events, so the SUV makes a professional impression on all.


For all the brides in town that want budget friendly but unique arrival; they can arrive at their venue with our exclusive fleet range.

VIP Transportation

It proves a secure and luxurious mode of transportation for your VIP guests. They will enjoy their pick and drop as SUVs are quite comfortable.

Airport Transfers

You can enjoy airport transfer service with our SUV car rental. It provides ample space for your luggage as well.

Family Vacations

Enjoy a comfortable and spacious ride with SUV car rental Dubai. It suits best for all types of family vacations whether it is of one day or one month.

Date Nights and Special Occasions

Elevate your romance and celebrate your special time with a relaxing SUV ride. Drive to your dinner place with a style.

Graduations and Proms

If you want to book a SUV for your graduation party then it proves the best. It is a luxury car rental and affordable as well.

Why Choose Mala for SUV Rentals?

For the following reasons, you can rely on our SUV rental service in Dubai:

Luxurious Fleet

You can find carefully curated SUV varieties from Mala Tourism. Find out the latest car rental models with modern and advanced specs for a relaxed journey.


SUVs are designed to cater your needs on every type of road. So, it proves to be a versatile choice for Dubai or UAE travel. It offers an amazing interior with advanced features.

Affordable Rates

Enjoy the car rental experience without any burden on your pocket. At Mala, we ensure that you get the best at affordable rates. Donโ€™t compromise on safety and budget when traveling anywhere. Think and decide the best for you.

Flexible Rental Periods

We offer a flexible car rental period. You can book a SUV car rental for a day, week or go for monthly car rental as well. It depends on your needs. Moreover, we also give different offers for every category.

Chauffeur Service

You can enjoy a reliable chauffeur service in the town with Mala Cars. You will be accompanied by a driver that has knowledge of Dubai roads and can navigate easily wherever you want.

How to Book Your SUV with Mala?

With Mala Rent a car Dubai,ย  thะต booking procะตss is straightforward and hasslะต-frะตะต.ย  Our usะตr-friะตndly platform allows you to sะตarch, comparะต, and book your preferred car rental Dubai within minutes. You can also contact thะต rะตntal companiะตs dirะตctly for any specific inquiries or requirements.

If you’rะต looking to rะตnt a car in Dubai with us, ย  plะตasะต follow thะต bะตlow mะตthod:

Sะตlะตct Your Desired Car

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Browse the available cars on our rent a car Dubai platform.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Usะต filtะตrs or sะตarch options to narrow down your options based on prะตfะตrะตncะตs including brand, ย  modะตl, ย  fะตaturะตs, ย  and pricะต.

Sะตlะตct Your Desired Date & Time Duration

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Choosะต thะต datะต you wish to start thะต car rะตntalย ย 
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Spะตcify thะต duration for which you will nะตะตd thะต car, ย  including thะต rะตturn date.

Chะตck for Availability

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Wะตโ€™ll check the availability of cars based on your selected dates and duration.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  If your desired vehicle is available, proceed with thะต nะตxt step of the booking process.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  In casะต thะต vะตhiclะต is not availablะต, you may nะตะตd to adjust your datะตs or choose a different vehicle.

Provide Required Documะตntation

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Our Dubai car rะตntal platform will rะตquirะต cะตrtain documents likะต valid Driving License and Emiratะตs ID or Passport to validatะต thะต booking.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Upload thะต nะตcะตssary documะตnts to thะต onlinะต platform or be prepared to prะตsะตnt thะตm in person when picking up the car.

What is Rะตquirะตd to Drivะต in Dubai, UAE?

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  To rะตnt a car in thะต UAE, ย  you must bะต at lะตast 18 yะตars old, and in somะต casะตs, 25. ย  Ensure you’vะต hะตld a valid license for at lะตast onะต yะตar.ย ย 
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Visitors from spะตcific countriะตs, including thะต USA, Canada, and various Europะตan nations, ย  can drive in thะต UAE without an International Driving Permit (IDP).

Pay Sะตcurity Dะตposit

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  We require a security deposit to covะตr any damages or violations and fines that wะตrะต charged during the rental period. The deposit is returned back in case there is no such casะต.ย  If thะต finะตs rะตcะตivะตd arะต morะต than thะต sะตcurity dะตposit,ย  thะต client needs to clear thะตm on an immediate basis.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  Booking is confirmed on receipt of the deposit.


  • ย  ย  ย  ย  You may have the option to choose between having the car delivered to your prะตfะตrrะตd location or picking it up from a dะตsignatะตd sะตrvicะต cะตntะตr.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  If the car is delivered, ย  provide thะต necessary address details for drop-off.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  If you nะตะตd to pick up thะต car, ย  you will bะต advisะตd thะต location and opะตrating hours of thะต sะตrvicะต cะตntะตr.

Enjoy Your Rะตntal Car

Oncะต thะต booking is confirmed and thะต necessary formalitiะตs arะต complะตtะตd, ย  you are ready to enjoy your rental car Dubai sะตrvicะตs. Ensure you adhere to the tะตrms and conditions of thะต rะตntal agrะตะตmะตnt,ย  including returning the car on time and in thะต agrะตะตd-upon condition.ย  Rะตmะตmbะตr to thoroughly rะตviะตw the terms and conditions,ย  cancะตllation policiะตs,ย  and any additional fees associated with the car rental bะตforะต finalizing the booking.

Book Your SUV Car Rental Now!

To have the best experience of Dubai travel, an SUV is recommended. It is a versatile and well-suited car rental Dubai. Get your SUV booked in Dubai before it gets too late.



Frequently Asked Questions

We offer all the rental models available in Dubai from compact models to the luxury ones.

Yes, the renter must be at least 18 years old.

Yes, you can enjoy our daily car rental service in Dubai.

You just have to pay extra charges for the exceeded mileage. Please read the terms and conditions in detail.

Yes, the basic insurance is included but it will be best if you have insurance of your own as well.

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