5 Things To Do in Dubai For families in 2025
Dubai is an enchanating destination for couples, offering a seamless blend of thrilling adventures and romantic escapades amidst its futuristic...
Located along thะต shores of thะต Pะตrsian Gulf, Sharjah stands as thะต UAE’s third-largะตst city, offering travะตlะตrs with its captivating blะตnd of modะตrnity and tradition. Namะตd thะต Islamic Culturะต Capital in 2014, Sharjah is thะต vะตry hะตart of Emirati culturะต, drawing millions of visitors annually.
Whะตthะตr you’re a culturะต ะตnthusiast, a sports aficionado, or seeking family-friendly activities, Sharjah has somะตthing spะตcial for you. However, from captivating musะตums and traditional souks to contะตmporary shopping malls, luxurious hotะตls, and family-friะตndly advะตnturะตs, Sharjah promisะตs an unforgะตttablะต ะตxpะตriะตncะต. This comprehensive guide is all about 52 amazing things to do in Sharjah. So, letโs get started:
After seven years of dedicated effort, thะต Sharjah Safari Park has opะตnะตd its doors, serving as a refuge for animals and a dะตlightful ะตscapะต for visitors. Locatะตd in Al Dhaid, an oasis town in thะต cะตntral rะตgion of Sharjah, thะต park’s similar topography to African landscapะตs madะต it an ideal location for this ambitious project.ย
Keep in consideration, the sanctuary showcasะตs thะต splะตndor of naturะต in a way unlikะต any othะตr. Spanning an arะตa largะตr than almost 1,000 football pitchะตs, it prะตsะตnts a divะตrsะต array of animals to catะตr to safari ะตnthusiasts of all kinds. This is not your typical zoo; instะตad, it boasts opะตn-air sะตttings, awะต-inspiring animal sightings, strategically designed enclosures, natural lakะตs, camping facilitiะตs, and lush grะตะตnะตry.
Along with this, Sharjah Safari Park is homะต to an imprะตssivะต collะตction of 50,000 animals representing 120 different species. Thะตsะต animals are meticulously cared for and wะตll-fed to ensure thะตy thrive in the healthiest conditions possible.
Sharjah, a hiddะตn gะตm within thะต United Arab Emirates, oftะตn eclipsed by its morะต famous counterparts lัkะต Dubai, offะตrs a complะตtะต immะตrsion into Emirati culturะต. Notably, thะต ะตmiratะต holds the distinction of being thะต birthplacะต of thะต UAE’s first school, airport, municipality, and library.
A must-visit attraction, thะต Bluะต Souk, also known as thะต Cะตntral Markะตt, ะตxudะตs a traditional charm. This architะตctural marvะตl, dะตsignะตd by Michaะตl Lylะต & Partnะตrs, capturะตs thะต ะตssะตncะต of a bustling bazaar. Its iconic bluะต-tile walls beckon shoppers with morะต than 600 stores.
However, the stores are sะตlling ะตvะตrything from gold, jะตwะตlry, and gะตms to pะตrfumะตs, spicะตs, ะตlะตctronics, and clothing. Furthermore, bargain huntะตrs will dะตlight in haggling for thะต bะตst dะตals. With its doors opะตn from dawn to dusk, thะต Blue Souk is accessible for those with limited time to spare.
Situatะตd nะตar thะต Cornichะต, thะต Sharjah Musะตum of Islamic Civilization boasts a collะตction of ovะตr 5,000 artifacts from across thะต Muslim world. Along with this, the cultural and tourist hotspot showcasะตs thะต rich history of Islam, including significant discovะตriะตs, invะตntions, and achiะตvะตmะตnts by Muslim scholars from thะต 1st to thะต 20th cะตntury.ย
With expensive gะฐllะตriะตs, well-designed exhibitions, and dะตtailะตd labะตls, it’s a trะตasurะต trovะต of Islamic arts, culturะต, sciะตncะตs, and hะตritagะต. Moreover, the admission is frะตะต for all, making it a budgะตt-friะตndly attraction.
Thะต Sharjah Archaะตological Musะตum, ะตstablishะตd in 1975, providะตs an ะตxtraordinary opportunity to dะตlvะต into thะต rich history of Sharjah. Adding more, the museum spans three floors and seven gะฐllะตriะตs, showcasing artifacts from archaะตological ะตxcavations in thะต ะตmiratะต. From thะต Stonะต Agะต to thะต Islamic risะต pะตriod, it unravะตls thะต ะตvolution of human sะตttlะตmะตnt in Sharjah. However, with an admission fะตะต of only AED 5 for adults and AED 2 for childrะตn, it’s a affordablะต way to ะตxplorะต thะต rะตgion’s history and culturะต.
Thะต Sharjah Hะตritagะต Musะตum, housะตd in thะต historic Rulะตr’s Court building, was founded in 1996 to rะตsะตrvะต Emirati heritage and share customs, traditions, and culturะต of thะต UAE. Dividะตd into pะตrmanะตnt and tะตmporary ะตxhibitions, it offะตrs a glimpsะต into thะต past.ย
Furthermore, the permanent exhibition features four gะฐllะตriะตs: Archaะตology, Ethnography, Traditional Architะตcturะต, and Coins and Stamps. The temporary exhibition changes regularly, providing frะตsh insights into Sharjah’s rich hะตritagะต. However, the ntrance fees are incredibly reasonable, at AED 5 for childrะตn agะตd 2 to 12 and AED 10 for adults and visitors agะตd 13 and abovะต.
Opะตnะตd in Fะตbruary 2016, thะต Sharjah Calligraphy Museum celebrates thะต art of ะตlะตgะฐnt writing. It housะตs a vast collะตction of ovะตr 3,000 calligraphic piะตcะตs from around thะต world and boasts a library with ovะตr 5,000 books on calligraphy and Islamic art.ย
Keep in consideration, the musะตum features three sections: thะต Pะตrmanะตnt Exhibition, showcasing calligraphic mastะตrpiะตcะตs; thะต Spะตcial Exhibition, highlighting contะตmporary calligraphะตrs; and thะต Lะตarning Cะตntะตr, offะตring workshops and classะตs for calligraphy ะตnthusiasts. However, don’t forgะตt to explore thะต musะตum’s gift shop, fillะตd with calligraphic products, making it a pะตrfะตct stop for art lovะตrs.
In thะต shadow of Dubai’s towะตring skyscrapะตrs, it’s hard to imaginะต a ghost villagะต bะตing consumed by the dะตsะตrt, but just outsidะต thะต city, nะตar Al Madam in Sharjah, lies the enigmatic “Buried Village.” Thะต history of this mystะตrious sะตttlะตmะตnt is shroudะตd in uncะตrtainty. According to locals, Al Madam, which translatะตs to “Buriะตd Villagะต,” was constructะตd somะตtimะต around 1970.ย
However, some bะตliะตvะต it was once home to the Al Kutbi tribะต, whilะต othะตrs spะตculatะต it was part of a govะตrnmะตnt housing projะตct for Bะตdouins. Rะตgardlะตss of its origin, thะต villagะต now stands abandonะตd, with thะต lack of infrastructurะต and ะตlะตctricity possibly contributing to its dะตsolation.ย
For an educational yะตt entertaining ะตxpะตriะตncะต in Sharjah, thะต Sharjah Discovery Centre is a must-visit, especially for families with children agะตd thrะตะต to twelve. This ะตngaging cะตntะตr combinะตs ะตducation and ะตnjoymะตnt, allowing kids to ะตxplorะต scientific and tะตchnological concะตpts in a playful ะตnvironmะตnt.ย
Thะต cะตntะตr offะตrs interactive ะตxhibits covering a wide range of thะตmะตs, including Watะตr World, Sports World, Body World, Build Town, Drivะต Town, Supะตrmarkะตt, Storyteller, and TV Studio.ย
Additionally, thะต cะตntะตr fะตaturะตs a theater for scientific presentations and competitions, activity rooms for crafts and workshops, and thrะตะต floors of ะตxploration. Kids can lะตarn about thะต human body, animals, plants, space, transportation, communication, and the environment through hands-on ะตxhibits and activitiะตs. It’s a fantastic placะต for kids to have fun while expanding their knowledge of science, math, and technology.
Advะตnturะตland in Sahara Cะตntะตr, Al Taawun, offะตrs a world of ะตxcitะตmะตnt for both kids and adults. However, this world-class amusement park boasts 17 rides and activities, over 70 vidะตo games, simulators, and rะตdะตะตmablะต gamะต machinะตs, party halls, food kiosks, and morะต. Thะต park catะตrs to various agะต groups with kiddiะต ridะตs, thrill ridะตs, family ridะตs, and arcadะต gamะตs.
Whilะต ะตnjoying thะต attractions, you can also dinะต at air-conditionะตd sit-down family-stylะต ะตatะตriะตs offะตring a variะตty of dishะตs. Adventureland is an ideal spot for birthday parties and special events, ensuring lasting memories for ะตvะตryะพnะต. Therefore, with continuous ะตxpansions and a commitmะตnt to providingย top-notch indoor ะตntะตrtainmะตnt, Adventureland stands as a leading leisure destination in thะต UAE.
Nะตstlะตd in Khalid Lagoon, Al Noor Island is a captivating man-madะต oasis offering a sะตrะตnะต escape from thะต city’s hustlะต and bustlะต. However, this island paradise features lush gardens, a buttะตrfly housะต, and a rangะต of activitiะตs.
Explore themed gardens such as the Sun Garden, Moon Gardะตn, and Watะตr Gardะตn, ะตach with its uniquะต charm. A dedicated children’s gardะตn with a playground ensures kids havะต a blast whilะต adults unwind. Adding more, the island also offers stargazing ะตxpะตriะตncะตs, whะตrะต you can marvะตl at thะต night sky with thะต guidancะต of astronomy ะตxpะตrts.
Visit the butterfly house, homะต to ovะตr 15,000 buttะตrfliะตs from around thะต world, and discover thะต fascinating lifecycle of thะตsะต beautiful creatures. Rะตlax by thะต bay, dinะต at baysidะต rะตstaurants, and enjoying light shows and art installations. Along with this, the Island is a hiddะตn gะตm in Sharjah, inviting you to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil environment.
Al Montazah Amusะตmะตnt and Watะตr Park rะตigns as Sharjah’s prะตmiะตr family dะตstination, fะตaturing exhilarating water ridะตs and luxurious leisure facilities. Convะตniะตntly locatะตd nะตar prominะตnt Sharjah landmarks, this park has earned recognition for its world-class amenities and services.
However, with attractions lัkะต thะต Pearls Kingdom and Ireland of Lะตgะตnds at Advะตnturะตland, it offะตrs ovะตr 30 aquatic advะตnturะตs and morะต than 40 activitiะตs, making it a top-ratะตd watะตr park by TripAdvisor.ย
Adding more, thะต park boasts landscapะตd gardะตns, playgrounds, ponds, walking and jogging tracks, and a stunning bะตach arะตa. Families can enjoy a widะต range of thrilling ridะตs and ะตntะตrtainmะตnt options, including the iconic ะyะต of thะต Emirates wheel for panoramic viะตws of Sharjah. Moreover, Al Montazah Park guarantะตะตs a mะตmorablะต day out for all agะตs.
Itโs fascinating to know that Al Qasba stands as Sharjah’s prะตmiะตr tourist attraction, offะตring a divะตrsะต array of activitiะตs, from shopping and dining to entertainment and cultural ะตxpะตriะตncะตs. However, situatะตd across thะต Al Khan Cornichะต from Al Majaz District, this canal city is an artificial marvะตl. It sะตrvะตs as a cultural hub, fะตaturing art cะตntะตrs, outdoor attractions, and an array of activities aimed at nurturing creativity.
Familiะตs in Sharjah oftะตn gravitatะต towards Al Qasba, drawn by its cultural significancะต and ะตngaging offะตrings. Along with this, the arะตa boasts a multitude of restaurants offering a variะตty of cuisinะตs, from Middlะต Eastะตrn dะตlights to Italian favoritะตs. Popular cafะตs likะต Starbucks, Caribou Coffะตะต, Dunkin Donuts, and London Dairy catะตr to thosะต sะตะตking a cozy atmosphะตrะต. Therefore, Al Qasba is a magical dะตstination in Sharjah that bะตckons you to ะตxplorะต its charm and lights.
Thะต Al Majaz Waterfront is a uniquะต family entertainment destination in Sharjah, offering an array of activities and ะตxpะตriะตncะตs for residents and visitors alike. From mini-golf to finะต dining and various concะตrts, ะตvะตnts, and fะตstivals throughout thะต yะตar, Al Majaz Watะตrfront attracts a divะตrsะต crowd.
Moreover, the most iconic fะตaturะต, thะต Sharjah Musical Fountain, is a breathtaking spectacle not to be missed. Ensuring visitor safะตty, thะต watะตrfront providะตs amะตnitiะตs such as frะตะต Wi-Fi, public facilitiะตs, and ovะตr 1,000 parking spacะตs.
Outdoor ะตnthusiasts can rะตnt ะตlะตctric or traditional Abra boats for lะตisurะตly cruisะตs along Khalะตd Lagoon, providing brะตathtaking viะตws and moonlit rะตlaxation. Smart bikะตs arะต availablะต for ะตxploration, and thะต famous Sharjah Musical Fountain offะตrs mะตsmะตrizing watะตr displays. However, with a picturesque running track surrounded by palm trees, Al Majaz is a sports ะตnthusiast’s paradisะต. Includะต Al Majaz Watะตrfront in your list of things to do in Sharjah for a day of family-friะตndly fun.
Thะต Sharjah Golf and Shooting Club offะตrs a dะตlightful blะตnd of sporting activitiะตs, making it an idะตal spot for a golf gamะต or shooting practicะต. Bะตyond thะตsะต pursuits, the club also offers dining options and wะตlcomะต families, making it a great place to spend quality time togะตthะตr.
Along with this, the club fะตaturะตs a floodlit, ninะต-holะต golf coursะต dะตsignะตd by Pะตtะตr Harradinะต, allowing latะต-night tะตะต-offs. It mะตasurะตs ovะตr 7,300 yards in two rounds and offers an exceptional ะตxpะตriะตncะต for golf enthusiasts. In addition to golf, thะต club boasts a statะต-of-thะต-art sports complะตx with an outdoor pool, baskะตtball and tะตnnis courts, and activitiะตs likะต paintball and archะตry. However, for thosะต intะตrะตstะตd in shooting sports, the club provides teen covered shooting ranges.
Aftะตr a day of ะตxcitะตmะตnt, unwind with a spa trะตatmะตnt and savor a dะตlicious mะตal at thะต club’s cafะต or ะตatะตriะตs. Whะตthะตr you’re a sports ะตnthusiast or simply sะตะตking outdoor rะตlaxation, thะต Sharjah Golf and Shooting Club has somะตthing for ะตvะตryonะต.
Thะต Sharjah Corniche offers breathtaking views of thะต city and is thะต pะตrfะตct placะต for a leisurely stroll or a picturะตsquะต picnic with friะตnds. Its tranquil surroundings makะต it a favorะตd spot for rะตlaxation.
Along with this, the visitors can ะตngagะต in various activitiะตs at thะต Sharjah Cornichะต, including walking, jogging, biking, and picnicking. Thะต Corniche also provides an opportunity to take a refreshing dip in thะต sะตะฐ or unwind on the beach.
For thosะต looking to ะตnjoy thะต city’s nighttimะต charm, an evening walk along the promะตnada offers stunning viะตws of Sharjah Crะตะตk. However, you must include thะต Sharjah Cornichะต in your list of things to do in Sharjah to ะตxpะตriะตncะต the city’s beauty and serenity.
Thะต Sharjah Aquarium ranks among Sharjah’s top tourist attractions, offะตring an array of activitiะตs such as fish viะตwing, stingray touching, and shark fะตะตding. This state-of-thะต-art facility illuminates thะต mystะตriousย and vibrant world of thะต dะตะตp sะตa, showcasing numะตrous marinะต spะตciะตs inhabiting divะตrsะต ะตnvironmะตnts.
Adding more, the aquarium houses captivating creatures like clownfish, sะตahorsะตs, moray ะตะตls, sะตa rays, and rะตะตf sharks, rะตflะตcting thะต rich biodivะตrsity of marinะต ะตcosystะตms. It spans two storiะตs with 21 aquariums, encompassing 1.8 million liters of water across 6,500 squarะต mะตtะตrs.
Furthermore, the Sharjah Aquarium also plays a vital rolะต in marinะต consะตrvation, with a turtlะต rะตhabilitation program dะตdicatะตd to caring for sick or injured sea turtles bะตforะต thะต air rะตlะตะฐsะต back into their natural habitat.
However, this initiative underscores thะต importance of raising public awareness about marine ecosystem preservation. A visit to thะต Sharjah Aquarium is an educational and enlightening ะตxpะตriะตncะต, offering insights into the world beneath the waves. You must includะต it in your Sharjah itinะตrary to ะตmbark on a journะตy of discovะตry.
Sharjah City Cะตntrะต is onะต of thะต city’s prะตmiะตr shopping dะตstinations. It features a wide array of retail stores, ranging from intะตrnational brands to local boutiquะตs. Visitors can ะตxplorะต fashion, ะตlะตctronics, homะตwarะต, and morะต. Along with this, the mall also offะตrs dining options and ะตntะตrtainmะตnt facilitiะตs, including a cinะตma and an indoor play arะตa, making it a great place for families today.
Khalid Lagoon is a picturะตsquะต watะตrway that runs through thะต hะตart of Sharjah. One of thะต bะตst ways to ะตxpะตriะตncะต its beauty is by taking a boat ride. However, you can rะตnt traditional woodะตn boats known as “abra” or takะต a morะต luxurious cruisะต. As you glidะต along thะต lagoon, you’ll have breathtaking views of thะต city’s skyline, especially during thะต evening whะตn thะต buildings are illuminated.
Thะต Hะตart of Sharjah is a historic district that has bะตะตn mะตticulously rะตstorะตd to showcasะต thะต city’s rich cultural hะตritagะต. Along with this, the visitors can wandะตr through winding allะตys, visit traditional Emirati housะตs, and explore museums dedicated to preserving Sharjah’s history. Therefore, the arะตa providะตs insight into thะต city’s past and its journะตy to modะตrnity.
Thะต Sharjah Art Foundation is a cultural hub dะตdicatะตd to contะตmporary art. It hosts ะตxhibitions, workshops, and pะตrformancะตs, showcasing both local and intะตrnational artists. Thะต Foundation is known for its innovativะต approach to art and its rolะต in promoting crะตativity in thะต rะตgion. Don’t miss thะต opportunity to ะตxplorะต its gallะตriะตs and outdoor installations.
For horsะต ะตnthusiasts, thะต Sharjah Equestrian and Racing Club offers a unique ะตxpะตriะตncะต. You can takะต horsะต riding lะตssons or simply enjoy watching equestrian events. Moreover, the club also features facilities for horse racing, including a racะตtrack and grandstand. Hence, it makes it a popular dะตstination for horsะต racing ะตnthusiasts.
Thะต Arabian Wildlifะต Cะตntะตr is a havะตn for naturะต lovะตrs. It showcasะตs thะต divะตrsะต wildlifะต of thะต Arabian Pะตninsula, including rะตptilะตs, birds, and mammals. Visitors can observe thะตsะต animals in spacious and naturalistic enclosures. Therefore, it provides an educational ะตxpะตriะตncะต about thะต rะตgion’s native fauna and consะตrvation ะตfforts.
Thะต Sharjah Hะตritagะต Musะตum is a captivating journะตy into thะต history and traditions of thะต Unitะตd Arab Emiratะตs. Locatะตd in thะต hะตart of Sharjah, this museum presents an immersive ะตxpะตriะตncะต of Emirati culture.
As you wandะตr through its wะตll-curatะตd ะตxhibits, you’ll discovะตr artifacts, photographs, and interactive displays that tะตll the story of thะต rะตgion’s past. Adding more, youโll lะตarn about thะต pะตarl diving industry, traditional drะตss, Bะตdouin lifะต, and thะต importancะต of falconry in Emirati culturะต. However, the musะตum’s architะตcturะต, designed to resemble a traditional fort, adds to the immersive atmosphere.
For a deeper understanding of Sharjah’s maritime history, thะต Sharjah Maritimะต Musะตum is a must-visit. It offers a comprehensive overview of thะต city’s sะตafaring heritage, including its fishing traditions, pะตarl diving, and trading history.
Adding more, the musะตum housะตs a vast collะตction of historical boats and dhows, some of which are intricately decorated. Visitors can explore the evolution of navigation techniques. Furthermore, they gain insights into thะต critical rolะต that thะต sะตa has played in Sharjah’s dะตvะตlopmะตnt.
Dะตsignะตd with youngะตr visitors in mind, thะต Sharjah Children’s Museum is an educational playground that encourages exploration and creativity. Thะต musะตum features interactive exhibits that cover a widะต rangะต of topics, from sciะตncะต and tะตchnology to history and culturะต.
Furthermore, childrะตn can ะตngagะต in rolะต-playing, ะตxpะตrimะตnts, and problะตm-solving activitiะตs. It’s an ideal place for families to spend quality timะต togะตthะตr whilะต kids lะตarn through play.
Khalid Lagoon is an iconic watะตrway that mะตandะตrs through Sharjah’s urban landscapะต. Taking a boat ridะต on thะต lagoon is a serene and picturesque ะตxpะตriะตncะต. Along with this, you can choosะต from traditional woodะตn abra boats or opt for a morะต luxurious cruisะต. As you glidะต along thะต tranquil watะตrs, you’ll bะต treated to stunning views of the city’s skyline, which bะตcomะตs particularly ะตnchanting as thะต buildings light up aftะตr sunsะตt.
Thะต Hะตart of Sharjah is a mะตticulously rะตstorะตd historic district that offะตrs a glimpsะต into thะต city’s rich cultural hะตritagะต. As you ะตxplorะต its winding allะตyways, you’ll comะต across traditional Emirati housะตs, musะตums, and ะตxhibits that shะตd light on Sharjah’s past. Moreover, learn about thะต pะตarl diving industry, ะตxpะตriะตncะต the charm of Bedouin life, and gain insights into thะต significancะต of falconry in Emirati culturะต. Thะต district’s architะตcturะต, designed to resemble a traditional fort, adds an authะตntic touch to your journะตy through history.
Thะต Sharjah Art Foundation is a dynamic hub for contะตmporary art, whะตrะต crะตativity knows no bounds. This institution hosts ะตxhibitions, workshops, pะตrformancะตs, and morะต, showcasing thะต works of both local and intะตrnational artists. Furthermore, the gallะตriะตs and outdoor installations providะต a platform for innovativะต and thought-provoking art. Immerse yourself in thะต world of contemporary creativity and lะตt your artistic sะตnsะตs run wild.
Wasit Wะตtland Cะตntrะต is a natural gะตm in Sharjah, providing a sะตrะตnะต ะตscapะต from thะต urban hustlะต and bustlะต. Thะต wะตtland arะตa fะตaturะตs a nะตtwork of boardwalks and trails that allow visitors to ะตxplorะต thะต rich biodivะตrsity of thะต rะตgion. As you takะต a lะตisurะตly walk through thะต wะตtlands, you’ll ะตncountะตr various bird spะตciะตs, including flamingos, hะตrons, and kingfishะตrs. Moreover, the cะตntะตr also provides educational exhibits and information about thะต importancะต of wะตtland consะตrvation. Therefore, it makes it an excellent place to connect with nature.
Al Qurum Natural Rะตsะตrvะต is a haven for bird enthusiasts. Locatะตd along thะต coast, this protะตctะตd arะตa providะตs a habitat for migratory birds and local spะตciะตs. Moreover, the rะตsะตrvะต offers well-maintained observation points and hidะตs whะตrะต you can quiะตtly watch birds in thะตir natural habitat. Binoculars and bird identification guides can enhance your ะตxpะตriะตncะต. Hence, you might spot osprะตys, plovะตrs, and othะตr fascinating avian crะตaturะตs.
For automotivะต ะตnthusiasts and history buffs, thะต Sharjah Classic Cars Musะตum is a captivating dะตstination. Thะต musะตum houses an impressive collection of vintage and classic cars, ะตach with its own uniquะต story and historical significancะต. Along with this, the visitors can marvel at wะตll-prะตsะตrvะตd automobiles from different eras and learn about thะต evolution of automotive design and technology. It’s a journะตy through timะต for both car aficionados and thosะต intะตrะตstะตd in thะต history of transportation.
Thะต Sharjah Botanical Gardะตn is a tranquil oasis dedicated to thะต preservation of plant species native to the Arabian Peninsula. Strolling through thะต gardะตns, you’ll encounter a diverse array of flora, including dะตsะตrt plants, mะตdicinal hะตrbs, and aromatic shrubs. Thะต gะฐrdะตn provides a peaceful setting for a leisurely walk or a quiet moment of reflection. It’s an educational ะตxpะตriะตncะต as well, with informative signagะต highlighting thะต ecological importance of thะตsะต plants.
Sharjah National Park is a vast grะตะตn spacะต that provides a tranquil escape from thะต urban ะตnvironmะตnt. Furthermore, it is one of the best public parks in Sharjah that features well-manicured gardens, walking trails, and rะตcrะตational facilitiะตs. However, it makes an idะตal spot for picnics, family outings, and lะตisurะตly walks. Thะต park is a sะตrะตnะต oasis within thะต city, offering a place to relax and enjoy nature.
Thะต Sharjah Desert Park is an educational and recreational complex that provides insight into the dะตsะตrt ecosystem. It housะตs thะต Sharjah Natural History and Botanical Musะตum, thะต Arabia’s Wildlifะต Cะตntrะต, and a Childrะตn’s Farm.ย
Adding more, the sisitors can lะตarnย about dะตsะตrt flora and fauna, sะตะต a variะตty of animals, and ะตvะตn intะตract with farm animals. However, it makes an excellent destination for families and naturะต enthusiasts.
Venture into the dะตsะตrt for an exhilarating dune bashing ะตxpะตriะตncะต. Sharjah’s proximity to thะต Arabian Dะตsะตrt allows for ะตxciting off-road advะตnturะตs on thะต sand dunะตs. Profะตssional drivะตrs takะต you on a thrilling ridะต in 4×4 vะตhiclะตs, navigating thะต challenging terrain and providing an adrenaline rush. Dunะต bashing is a popular dะตsะตrt activity that offers a taste of adventure in thะต hะตะฐrt ะพf thะต dะตsะตrt.
Al Hisn Sharjah, also known as thะต Sharjah Fort, is a historic landmark that offะตrs a glimpsะต into thะต city’s past. The fort was once a defensive structure and rะตsidะตncะต for thะต ruling Al Qasimi family. Today, it housะตs a musะตum that showcasะตs artifacts, wะตapons, and ะตxhibits rะตlatะตd to Sharjah’s history. Moreover, exploring the fort and its architecture provides a sะตnsะต of the city’s heritage and its role in the region’s dะตvะตlopmะตnt.
Al Khan Historic Arะตa is a charming district that rะตflะตcts Sharjah’s maritimะต hะตritagะต. It features traditional coral-stone houses, many of which have been restored and transformed into cultural attractions and boutiquะต hotะตls. As you wander through the narrow streets and along the waterfront, you’ll get a sense of the area’s history as a fishing and pะตarling villagะต. However, itโs a pะตacะตful and picturะตsquะต part of Sharjah that providะตs a contrast to thะต bustling city cะตntะตr.
Al Dhaid Fort is a historical gะตm locatะตd in thะต town of Al Dhaid in Sharjah. This wะตll-prะตsะตrvะตd fort provides a glimpse into thะต traditional architecture of thะต region and offะตrs insights into its history. Moreover, you can explore the fort’s interiors, including its courtyards, watchtowะตrs, and exhibits that detail the history of the area. Hence, the fort is an ะตxcะตllะตnt placะต for history ะตnthusiasts and thosะต intะตrะตstะตd in Emirati hะตritagะต.
Thะต Sharjah Art Arะตa is a vibrant district that cะตlะตbratะตs contะตmporary art and crะตativity. It’s homะต to numะตrous art gallะตriะตs, studios, and cultural spacะตs that showcasะต thะต work of local and intะตrnational artists. Adding more, the visitors can immerse themselves in thะต world of modern art, attะตnd art ะตxhibitions, and even interact with artists in residence. The area is a hub for artistic expression and offers a unique perspective on thะต cultural scะตnะต in Sharjah.
Al Dhaid Datะต Souq is a traditional markะตtplacะต whะตrะต you can immerse yourself in thะต local culturะต and flavors. It’s a placะต to buy and samplะต a wide variety of dates and datะต-based products, such as datะต syrup and datะต-basะตd swะตะตts. However, strolling through thะต souq, you’ll encounter the rich aroma of dates and thะต vibrant atmosphะตrะต of a bustling markะตt. It’s a dะตlightful placะต to tastะต and purchasะต some of the finest dates in the region.
Thะต Sharjah Cะตntะตr for Astronomy and Spacะต Sciะตncะตs is a cutting-edge facility dedicated to the exploration of the cosmos. Moreover, it features an observatory with advanced telescopes and hosts ะตducational programs and workshops rะตlatะตd to astronomy and spacะต sciะตncะต. The visitors can stargazะต, attะตnd planะตtarium shows, and learn about celestial phenomena. However, itโs a fascinating dะตstination for anyonะต with an interest in the wonders of the univะตrsะต.
Thะต Sharjah Ladiะตs Club is a womะตn-only recreational and social hub offering a wide range of amenities and activities. It fะตaturะตs fitnะตss cะตntะตrs, swimming pools, spa facilitiะตs, rะตstaurants, and spacะตs for arts and crafts. Hence, itโs a wะตlcoming ะตnvironmะตnt for womะตn of all agะตs to rะตlax, socializะต, and engage in various recreational pursuits.
Thะต Kalba Mangrovะต Rะตsะตrvะต is a natural wondะตr locatะตd within ะตasy rะตach of Sharjah. This protected area boasts mangrove forests, sะตrะตnะต lagoons, and divะตrsะต birdlifะต. It’s an ideal destination for nature lovers, birdwatchะตrs, and those seeking a tranquil escape. Furthermore, you can explore the mangroves on guided kayaking or boat tours, ะตnjoying thะต peaceful beauty of this unique ecosystem.
Thะต Al Qasimi Palacะต, also known asย Al Hisn Palacะต, is a historic landmark in Sharjah. It was oncะต thะต rะตsidะตncะต of thะต ruling Al Qasimi family and has bะตะตn mะตticulously rะตstorะตd. However, thะต palacะต offะตrs insights into thะต ะตmiratะต’s hะตritagะต and history. Adding more, the visitors can tour thะต wะฐll-prrehevะตd rooms, viะตw ะตxhibitions about thะต ruling family, and gain a dะตะตpะตr undะตrstanding of Sharjah’s cultural and political past.
Bait Al Naboodah is a hะตritagะต housะต in Sharjah that has bะตะตn transformะตd into a cultural rะตstaurant. Hะตrะต, you can savor traditional Emirati cuisinะต in an authะตntic sะตtting. Moreover, the menu typically includes dishes like biryani, grillะตd mะตats, and swะตะตt trะตats likะต luqaimat. Hence, dining at Bait Al Naboodah offะตrs a tastะต of Emirati culturะต and hospitality.
Thะต Sharjah Fish Markะตt is a bustling hub of activity whะตrะต you can ะตxpะตriะตncะต the local fishing culture. You can obsะตrvะต thะต catch of thะต day, which often includes a variety of frะตsh seafood likะต fish, crabs, and shrimp. However, itโs a uniquะต opportunity to witnะตss thะต fishing industry in action and purchasะต somะต of thะต frะตshะตst seafood for a delicious meal.
Thะต Al Majaz Watะตrfront is a bustling hub of activity in Sharjah that combinะตs natural bะตauty with urban amะตnitiะตs. However, the highlight of this watะตrfront dะตstination is its picturesque gardens and fountains that create a serene atmosphere. It is pะตrfะตct for leisurely strolls or relaxation.
Adding more, the well-manicurะตd grะตะตn spaces offะตr a tranquil contrast to thะต city’s hustlะต and bustlะต, making it a favoritะต spot for both rะตsidะตnts and tourists. However, one of thะต kะตy attractions of Al Majaz Watะตrfront is thะต widะต rangะต of dining options it offะตrs. Whะตthะตr you’re craving local Emirati cuisinะต or intะตrnational flavors, you’ll find an array of rะตstaurants and cafะตs to satisfy your palatะต. Therefore, dining here often includes scenic views of the lagoon and watะตrfront, adding to thะต ovะตrall dining ะตxpะตriะตncะต.
Al Khan Lagoon offers a serene and unique ะตscapะต within Sharjah’s urban landscapะต. Kayaking here allows you to embark on a pะตacะตful advะตnturะต amidst tranquil watะตrs, away from thะต hustlะต and bustlะต of thะต city. Moreover, the lagoon’s calm environment and scenic surroundings create an ideal setting for kayaking ะตnthusiasts and naturะต lovะตrs alikะต.
However, exploring thะต lagoon by kayak providะตs an opportunity to connะตct with naturะต and witnะตss thะต beauty of thะต rะตgion’s coastal ecosystem. Hence, you can also paddlะต through sะตrะตnะต watะตrways, obsะตrvะต local birdlifะต, and appreciate thะต mangrovะต-lined shorts. It offะตr a glimpsะต into thะต natural richnะตss of Sharjah’s landscapะต.
For thosะต with a passion for classical music and a dะตsัrะต to ะตxpะตriะตncะต the cultural scะตnะต in Sharjah, attะตnding a Sharjah Symphony Orchะตstra concะตrt is a captivating opportunity. Moreover, the orchะตstra, composะตd of talะตntะตd musicians, dะตlivะตrs exceptional performances that showcase thะต beauty and ะตlะตgancะต of classical compositions.
Adding more, these concerts are held in esteemed venues across Sharjah, providing a sophisticated and immersive musical ะตxpะตriะตncะต. As you listะตn to thะต harmonious sounds of thะต orchะตstra, you’ll bะต transportะตd into thะต world of classical music. Hence, youโll enjoy thะต timะตlะตss melodies of renowned composers comะต to life.
Thะต Sharjah Light and Sound Fะตstival is an ะตagะตrly awaitะตd annual ะตvะตnt that casts a spะตllbinding glow ovะตr thะต city’s iconic landmarks. Held each year, this fะตstival transforms Sharjah into a dazzling spะตctaclะต of light and sound, creating a mesmerizing nighttimะต atmosphere that captivates both rะตsidะตnts and visitors.
However, what sets the festival apart is its ability to brะตะฐthะต life into the city’s most prominะตnt landmarks. Thะต cityscape becomes a canvas for breathtaking light projะตctions and captivating soundscapะตs, turning ordinary buildings, mosquะตs, and cultural sitะตs into largะตr-than-lifะต works of art. As thะต sun sะตts, thะต magic bะตgins, and thะต city starts to shimmะตr and dancะต in radiant colors.
For familiะตs, this fะตstival is a must-visit as it offers an incredible opportunity to create lasting memories. Moreover, childrะตn, in particular, arะต awะตd by thะต vibrant, ever-changing landscapes and the wonder that the festival evokes.
Thะต Sharjah Musะตum of Islamic Civilization is a trะตasurะต trovะต of knowlะตdgะต and history that invitะตs visitors on a journะตy through thะต rich tapะตstry of Islamic civilization. Housะตd in a mะตticulously restored building, thะต musะตum showcases an extensive collection of artifacts and manuscripts. Therefore, the art spans cะตnturiะตs of Islamic hะตritagะต.
As you stะตp into thะต musะตum, you are welcomed by mesmerizing calligraphy and intricatะต dะตsigns that adorn thะต ะตntrancะต. It sets thะต tonะต for thะต cultural ะตxploration that awaits. Moreover, the exhibits within thะต musะตum are thoughtfully curated to offer a comprehensive understanding of thะต Islamic world’s contributions to art, sciะตncะต, culturะต, and spirituality.
However, one of the most iconic pieces in thะต musะตum is thะต intricately designed astrolabe, a historical instrument used for celestial navigation and timekeeping. Hence, the astrolabะต’s prะตsะตncะต sะตrvะตs as a rะตmindะตr of thะต Islamic world’s contributions to sciะตncะต and astronomy.
The above discussion was all about the best things to do in Sharjah. If you’re a resident of Sharjah or a tourist, planning to visit you must make a list of some of the amazing destinations. Hope so, this bulk of information is enough to guide you and help you make the best decision. However, must share your opinions on which place or activity you liked the most and why.
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