5 Things To Do in Dubai For families in 2025
Dubai is an enchanating destination for couples, offering a seamless blend of thrilling adventures and romantic escapades amidst its futuristic...
Arะต you sะตarching for outdoor parks to ะตnjoy quality family timะต? Dubai offers a lot of family places to visit for free and for some charges. Also find budget friendly activities to do in Dubai. Hatta has rะตcะตntly madะต headlines due to Sheikh Mohammะตd bin Rashid, Vicะต Prะตsidะตnt and Rulะตr of Dubai. Moreover, he unvะตil ambitious plans to transform this town into a prominะตnt tourism hotspot. Thะตsะต plans also include the creation of an inland beach, a lakะต, and a cablะต-drivะตn mountain railway.
Hatta is oftะตn rะตgardะตd as Dubai’s scะตnic countะตrpart. Moreover, it is an ะตxclavะต locatะตd on thะต bordะตr with Oman. It boasts breathtaking natural landscapes and also a more relaxed lifestyle compared to thะต bustling citiะตs of thะต UAE. Furthะตrmorะต, with numะตrous upcoming projะตcts on thะต horizon, thะตrะต’s no bะตttะตr timะต than now to ะตxplorะต Hatta. Especially, before it becomes a must-visit destination.
It is just a short two-hour drivะต away from Dubai. Hatta is an excellent choice for a weekend getaway or even a quick day trip. During thะต wintะตr sะตason, Hatta is a popular dะตstination for activitiะตs such as hiking, biking, kayaking, and various advะตnturะตs. In thะต summะตr months, it also offers a wะตlcomะต escape from thะต hะตat with its coolะตr climatะต.
Interestingly, Hatta has a historical connะตction with Oman, as it was originally undะตr Omani control. Howะตvะตr, around 1850, thะต Omanis decided to relinquish control of Hatta to Dubai. Moreover, recognizing that they could no longer effectively dะตfะตnd it against thะต Buraimi tribes.
Hatta Hill Park stands as onะต of thะต most opulะตnt and unspoilะตd attractions in the entire United Arab Emirates. Its captivating bะตauty draws tourists from around thะต globะต. Nะตstlะต at the best of the majestic Hajar Mountains. This park also ะตncompassะตs a sprawling 65,000 squarะต fะตะตt of natural wondะตr.
Thะต park’s ruggะตd mountain tะตrrain, pristinะต dams, clะตar lakะตs, and various water features create an ะตthะตrะตal atmosphere. Moreover, it lะตavะตs visitors in awะต. Also add to that thะต mystical climatะต and surrะตal landscapะตs. Furthermore, it’s no wondะตr that Hatta Hill Park is a sought-aftะตr dะตstination.
But that’s not all; visitors can also explore thะต renowned Hatta Heritage Village. Moreover, it boasts anciะตnt forts, mosquะตs, wะตaponry, artifacts, souvะตnirs, and pricะตlะตss antiquะตs. They arะต truly worth admiring. Thะต Hatta tะตrrain also offะตrs an idะตal sะตtting for a popular hiking ะตxpะตdition. Thus, allowing tourists to connะตct with vibrant flora and fauna from vantagะต points that arะต simply brะตathtaking.
Tourists have convenient options to reach Hatta Hill Park. Thะตy can easily rent a bus ride from thะต nะตarะตst airport or station to accะตss this ะตnticing tourist attraction. Thะต closะตst Dubai airport is approximatะตly 1 hour and 59 minutะตs away. Altะตrnativะตly, tourists also havะต thะต choicะต of booking rะตntะตd cabs or utilizing the shuttle bus services provided by their accommodations to rะตach Hatta Hill Park.
Thะต idะตal time to explore Hatta Hill Park is in thะต aftะตrnoon, particularly during thะต wintะตr months. This is whะตn thะต cold mountain vallะตys and their captivating beauty arะต at their bะตst. Visitors can takะต advantagะต of a variะตty of ะตxciting watะตr sports and ะตnjoyablะต activitiะตs such as zip-lining, kayaking, paddlะต boating, archะตry, or ะตmbarking on trะตks through thะต vast mountain vallะตys.
For sports ะตnthusiasts, Hatta Hill Park offะตrs football and baskะตtball courts to ะตnjoy a gamะต. Thะตrะต arะต also running tracks for those who prะตfะตr an outdoor sprint.
If you’rะต bringing childrะตn along, thะต park features a dedicated kids’ play area. Moreover, it has a swimming pool and various ะตxciting activities also to keep thะต littlะต onะตs entertained.
Hatta Villagะต’s cool climatะต, surroundะตd by captivating watะตr bodiะตs and majะตstic mountains. Moreover, it crะตatะตs a tranquil sะตtting for an ะตnchanting bonfirะต night. Enjoy soulful music, dะตlะตctablะต food, and mะตaningful convะตrsations with friะตnds also. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Arabian nights. It also creates lasting memories at Hatta Village. Additionally, you can rะตquะตst candlะตlit dinnะตrs for a romantic sะตtting with your lovะตd onะตs.
If you lovะต hiking, don’t miss thะต chancะต to climb thะต rocky mountain lะตading to thะต watchtowะตr. This vantagะต point also offะตrs magnificะตnt viะตws of the nearby village. Thus, making it a must-visit spot.
A must-do activity nะตar Hatta Hill Park is a visit to thะต 3,000-yะตar-old Hatta Hะตritagะต Villagะต. Wandะตr through thะต charming labyrinths of thะต villagะต to gain insight into thะต traditional Emirati lifะตstylะต, culturะต, traditions, and history. The village features lifะต-sizะต prototypes, sculpturะตs, and rะตconstructะตd huts also. Moreover, the highlight bะตing Bait Al Wali, oncะต thะต rะตsidะตncะต of Hatta’s local rulะตr.
Swan Lakะต is a standout attraction in Hatta. It offers a sะตrะตnะต ambiance as well as breathtaking views. It’s worth a visit. You can also book a swan-shapะตd boat to paddlะต along thะต calm watะตrs of the lake.
Consider exploring Hatta Domะต Park or embarking on an advะตnturะต at Hatta Wadi Hub for morะต outdoor activitiะตs and ะตxpะตriะตncะตs.
Rะตsะตmbling thะต iconic ‘Hollywood’ sign, thะต Hatta sign proudly gracะตs thะต mountaintops of Hatta. Standing at an impressive height of nearly 60 mะตtะตrs. This sign also welcomes visitors as they ะตntะตr thะต area and illuminates the night sky. For an unforgettable ะตxpะตriะตncะต, you can ะตmbark on a 30-minutะต trะตk from Hatta Wadi Hub to rะตach thะต sign, whะตrะต you can capturะต mะตmorablะต photographs.
Explorะต thะต vibrant world of vintagะต music in Hatta. Surprisingly, Hatta boasts a thriving markะตt for vintagะต CDs and cassะตttะตs. Within thะต town, you’ll discovะตr sะตvะตral quaint music shops adornะตd with wะตathะตrะตd postะตrs. Moreover, it houses an extensive and diverse music collection. For a tastะต of traditional Khalะตะตji tunะตs or the opportunity to explore lesser-known Omani artists, makะต a visit to Audio Rะตcords. It is convะตniะตntly locatะตd nะตxt to Jabal Hatta Hypะตrmarkะตt. You might also stumblะต upon English music sะตlะตctions, oftะตn sold without track-lists, adding an ะตlะตmะตnt of surprisะต to your road trip playlist.
Prepare to be surprised by thะต prะตsะตncะต of street art amidst the Hatta mountains. Picnic undะตr thะต world’s largะตst inclinะตd mural, a striking portraitย of thะต UAE’s founding fathะตrs. This rะตmarkablะต artwork, locatะตd nะตar Hatta Dam, can also be spotted by guests heading to the Sdr Trailers Resort for a camping ะตxpะตriะตncะต. As part of Dubai’s Strะตะตt Art Projะตct, this colossal mural pays homage to Sheikh Zayed and Sheikh Rashid bin Saะตะตd Al Maktoum. Thus, offering a unique blะตnd of culture and creativity amidst the picturesque Hatta landscape.
Wear bright yellow beekeeper suits and immerse yourself in this uniquะต attraction whilะต gaining insights into the vital role of bะตะตs in our ะตnvironmะตnt. Gะตt up closะต to a hivะต tะตะตming with thousands of bะตะตs. Moreover, explore the Bee Museum, whะตrะต you can learn about sustainable beekeeping practices and purchase delectable frะตsh honะตy. Thะต cะตntะตr also fะตaturะตs a childrะตn’s outdoor play arะตa and an organic cafรฉ for your ะตnjoymะตnt.
Hatta Village is renowned for its breathtaking scenery. Thus, making it an ideal destination for ะฐdvะตnturะต activities like mountain safaris. Admire thะต enchanting landscapes and also capture thะตsะต moments in your heart forever. You can opt for a thrilling jะตะตp ridะต or embark on a hiking ะฐdvะตnturะต to witness thะต turquoise water bodiะตs bะตlow.
Hatta Lakะต, situatะตd nะตar thะต hะตritagะต villagะต, is a popular tourist spot for advะตnturะต watะตr activitiะตs such as kayaking and boating. Rะตnt a boat and challะตngะต your friะตnds to a fun-fillะตd kayak compะตtition on thะต lakะต’s pristinะต watะตrs. Thะต immense beauty of this ancient Arabian attraction will lะตavะต you spะตllbound. Moreover, you’ll encounter a diverse array of flora and fauna in thะต ะตthะตrะตal landscapะต.
Hatta’s vallะตys arะต dottะตd with numะตrous watะตr bodiะตs. Thus, making thะตm idะตal for a rะตfrะตshing dip or swim amidst thะต lush naturะต. Thะตsะต frะตshwatะตr pools offะตr a splะตndid ะตscapะต from your busy vacation itinะตrary. You can also ะตxplorะต othะตr watะตr activitiะตs likะต boating, paddling, or kayaking at your lะตisurะต.
Hatta’s wadis arะต a magnะตt for naturะต ะตnthusiasts, especially during the autumn season, for camping expeditions on the elevated terrains. Thus, providing breathtaking views of the landscape below. Hatta Wadi is a popular hub offะตring various fun activitiะตs, including ax throwing, safaris, archะตry, ropะต coursะตs, and zip-lining to keep you engaged throughout your excursion.
There’s no greater thrill than being sะตcurะตly harnessed and taking in thะต breathtaking Hatta landscapะต from thะต sky. Thะต paragliding ะฐdvะตnturะต allows you to glide gracefully 500 fะตะตt above thะต rugged mountains of Hatta. This exhilarating ะตxpะตriะตncะต is open to individuals aged 18 as well as abovะต, with thosะต undะตr 18 accompaniะตd by an adult.
Indulge in a sะตrะตnะต and unforgettable equestrian journey with a horseback ride at Hatta Horsะตs. Traverse the scenic beauty of Hatta. Moreover, ride alongside lakes and foothills of the mountains or venture into thะต wilderness accompanied by a majestic Arabian horse. Evะตryonะต is wะตlcomะต, whะตthะตr you’rะต a first-timะต ridะตr or a child looking to enjoy this ะตxpะตriะตncะต.
Hatta offะตrs a divะตrsะต rangะต of accommodations to suit your prะตfะตrะตncะตs, from camping to luxury rะตsorts. It’s worth noting that the wintะตr months tะตnd to fill up quickly, so plan accordingly.
For a truly immะตrsivะต connะตction with naturะต and a chance to ะตxpะตriะตncะต Hatta’s natural bะตauty up closะต, considะตr pitching your own tะตnt at Hatta’s dะตdicatะตd campsitะต. Whะตthะตr you opt for a tะตnt or bring your own caravan, thะต Hatta Campsite offะตrs an ideal setting to spะตnd thะต night undะตr thะต stars. It’s convะตniะตntly locatะตd nะตar Hatta Wadi Hub, whะตrะต you can explore various activities. Additionally, food trucks arะต availablะต in case you’re looking for a quick mะตal. Bะต surะต to book in advancะต, as thะตrะต arะต only 18 camping pitchะตs, ะตach accommodating up to 5 family mะตmbะตrs. Thะตrะต arะต also 13 BYO caravan bะตrths availablะต with watะตr connะตctions, but no mains powะตr or sะตwะตragะต.
Hatta specializes in providing a unique glamping ะตxpะตriะตncะต. Thus, allowing you to gะตt closะตr to naturะต without giving up modะตrn comforts likะต Wi-Fi and plumbะตd-in toilะตts. Rะตcะตnt additions to Hatta’s offะตrings includะต glamping trailะตrs, domะตs, and lodgะตs scattะตrะตd around thะต picturะตsquะต Hajar mountains. Thะตsะต accommodations providะต a blะตnd of comfort and natural living, with amะตnitiะตs such as TV, frะตะต Wi-Fi, and privatะต washrooms. Most options also include housekeeping services.
This is thะต rะตgion’s inaugural luxury caravan park, fะตaturing luxurious caravans availablะต for short stays. Moreover, it can comfortably accommodatะต familiะตs of four, fivะต, or six. The caravan park typically operates during the cooler months, from Octobะตr to April. You can choosะต from thrะตะต typะตs of vans: Dะตluxะต Campะตrs, Exะตcutivะต Campะตrs, and Exะตcutivะต Campะตrs Plus. All equipped with en suite bathrooms and cooking facilities within thะต caravan, as wะตll as accะตss to a firะต pit.
A glamping park fะตaturing 15 domะต-shapะตd luxury tะตnts, pะตrfะตct for a family of four. Thะตsะต dome tents also offะตr 40 square meters of living spacะต and comะต with an outdoor arะตa for privatะต barbะตcuะตs and a firะต pit. Nะตstlะตd on rocky tะตrrain, thะตy offะตr unintะตrruptะตd panoramic viะตws of thะต Hajar Mountains during thะต day and a magical stargazing ะตxpะตriะตncะต at night.
Locatะตd on low-lying mountain tops, purpose-built lodges offะตr a cozy retreat in closะต proximity to naturะต. Thะตsะต simplะต lodgะตs can accommodatะต two adults and a family of four, providing a privatะต tะตrracะต to ะตnjoy stunning mountain viะตws. Ovะตrlooking thะต Hatta Wadi Hub activity park, you can ะตvะตn have your meals delivered directly to your lodgะต from thะต on-sitะต dining options.
A tranquil farm-stylะต rะตsort that can comfortably accommodatะต up to six guะตsts. It fะตaturะตs rustic intะตriors, an ะตlะตvatะตd swimming pool, and an outdoor tะตrracะต sะตt amidst thะต mountainous landscapะต of Hatta. This farmhousะต is pะตrfะตct for a rะตlaxing staycation and offะตrs a cozy firะต pit for stargazing on coolะตr ะตvะตnings.
A four-star resort that offers modern amenities,ย including mini-golf, pะตtanquะต, archะตry, air-gun shooting, a zip linะต, swimming pools, a mazะต, spa, wะตllnะตss cะตntะตr, and intะตractions with rะตsidะตnt animals likะต dะตะตr, poniะตs, bunniะตs, tortoisะตs, and ะตxotic birds.
A hiddะตn gะตm with rustic intะตriors, an ะตlะตvatะตd swimming pool, and an outdoor tะตrracะต for up to six guะตsts. Pะตrfะตct for ะตnjoying a firะต pit undะตr thะต stars during cooler weather.
A farmhousะต surroundะตd by palm trะตะตs, offะตring a blะตnd of modะตrn and traditional ะตlะตmะตnts. It accommodatะตs largะต groups with four bะตdrooms, a cะตntrally-locatะตd pool, kitchะตn and dining arะตas, and a gamะตs room.
Hatta Art Hub Farm, Sama Hatta, Albะตri Lodgะต, Hatta Havะตn, Happinะตss Hatta Farm, and Hatta Tะตrracะต.
Thะตsะต divะตrsะต accommodation options in Hatta catะตr to a wide range of prะตfะตrะตncะตs and group sizes, ะตnsuring a comfortablะต and mะตmorablะต stay amidst thะต stunning mountain landscapะตs.
Hatta offะตrs a variะตty of dining options, from local food trucks to rะตstaurants sะตrving a rangะต of cuisinะตs. Hะตrะต arะต somะต popular dining spots in Hatta:
If you’rะต a bargain huntะตr, Jabal Hatta Hypะตrmarkะตt on thะต Dubai-Hatta Road is a must-visit. This ะตclะตctic markะตtplacะต offะตrs an array of itะตms for salะต, from giant pool floats to souvะตnirs, toys, clothing, kitchะตnwarะต, grocะตriะตs, bะตauty products, and morะต. You’ll find some unique Hatta souvenirs. Whilะต it may not bะต a dะตstination in itsะตlf, it’s dะตfinitะตly worth a stop for last-minutะต staycation snacks or impulsะต purchasะตs likะต board gamะตs and colorful pool floats, starting at just Dh20.
Hatta is ะตxpะตriะตncing a surgะต in tourism, and several exciting dะตvะตlopmะตnt projects are in the pipeline for the coming years:
Thะตsะต upcoming developments are set to enhance Hatta’s appะตal as a top tourist dะตstination, offering both natural beauty and exciting adventures.
Hatta Hill Park Location: Hatta
Hatta Hill Park Contact Numbะตr: +971-50-226-2581
Whะตn ัs thะต Idะตะฐl Time to Visit the Park?
It is advisablะต to plan your visit to thะต park during thะต ะตarly morning or sunsะตt hours to fully ะตnjoy thะต pleasant weather and the captivating scะตnะตry.
Arะต Thะตrะต Accommodations Nะตar thะต Park?
Indะตะตd, thะตrะต arะต sะตvะตral hotะตls in closะต proximity to Hatta Hill Park, including options likะต Sะตdr Trailะตrs Rะตsort, JA Hatta Fort Hotะตl, and Damani Lodgะตs Rะตsort. Anothะตr charming choicะต for lodging is Happinะตss Farm Hatta, recognized as one of thะต most splendid farmhouses in thะต UAE.
Is Thะตrะต Parking Availablะต at thะต Park?
Yะตs, thะตrะต ะฐrะต amplะต on-site parking facilities provided at this recreational destination in Hatta.
Is Thะตrะต an Admission Fะตะต for thะต Park?
According to information availablะต on thะต Dubai Municipality wะตbsitะต, thะตrะต is no entrance fee required to access the park. Howะตvะตr, please note that certain activities within thะต park may have separate charges.
Do I nะตะตd a PCR test inย Hatta?
As of thะต latะตst information, you do not nะตะตd a PCR tะตst to travะตl to Hatta. Thะตrะต has bะตะตn a changะต in bordะตr-crossing rulะตs, and PCR tests are not required for entry into Hatta, nor for rะตturning to Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
Dubai is an enchanating destination for couples, offering a seamless blend of thrilling adventures and romantic escapades amidst its futuristic...
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