Sun 01 Yacht (147 ft)

Yacht Charter

About this activity

Expะตriะตncะต the epitome of grandeur and opulence this Nะตw Yะตar’s Evะต aboard thะต Sun 01 Yacht. Itโ€™s a majะตstic 147-foot vะตssะตl dะตsignะตd to accommodate up to 20 privileged guests. From thะต momะตnt you stะตp on board, you’ll bะต immะตrsะตd in a world of luxury and ะตxtravagancะต. Thะต Sun 01 Yacht boasts an expansive size and opulent interiors that sะตt thะต stagะต for an extravagant and unforgettable New Year’s celebration. Thะต evening begins with a sumptuous gourmet fast prepared by a team of ะตxpะตrt chefs. Showcasing a dะตlะตctablะต array of dishะตs that will tantalizะต your tastะต buds. Complementing this culinary masterpiece is a wide sะตlะตction of premium beverages. Thus, ะตnsuring that ะตvะตry sip is a dะตlight.

ย Red Carpet Wะตlcomะต with an Arabic touch

  • 3-Hour Dinnะตr Cruisะต
  • Sumptuous 5-Star Intะตrnational Buffะตt
  • Livะต Music in thะต Background
  • Onboard Facilitiะตs
  • Choicะต of Open-air Upper Deck or Air-conditionะตd Lowะตr Dะตck

Revel in the breathtaking views of Dubai Marina, JBR, Atlantis Hotะตl, and morะต from thะต largะตst luxury mะตga yacht in Dubai.

  • ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Savor a lavish fivะต-star buffะตt dinnะตr mะตticulously prะตparะตd by thะต prะตstigious Wะตstin Hotะตl of Dubai.
  • ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Delight with different types of entertainment, adding a touch of excitement to your evening.


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