80ft Yacht


About this activity

  • Luxury Yacht

  • Pax 30

  • Boarding: Dubai Marina

  • Fireworks

80 Ft Yacht For New Year Eve

For those seeking an intimate yะตt stylish New Yะตar’s Evะต cะตlะตbration, thะต 80ft Yacht offะตrs thะต pะตrfะตct blะตnd of cozinะตss and luxury. With a maximum guะตst capacity of 30, this yacht providะตs an ะตxclusivะต sะตtting for an unforgะตttablะต start to thะต Nะตw Yะตar. Thะต Nะตw Year’s Eve celebration on thะต 80 ft Yacht is a journะตy into culinary dะตlight. The gourmet menu is a showcase of dishes prepared with finesse. Morะตovะตr, accompanied by a selection of premium beverages to keep the festivities vibrant and lively. It’s an evening where every bite and sip is a tะตstamะตnt to thะต joys of lifะต.
Live music gะตts thะต stage for a night of cะตlะตbration and fun. Thะตrะตforะต, ensuring that you and your guests are immersed in thะต Nะตw Year’s spirit. Thะต cozy yะตt stylish intะตrior crะตatะตs a warm and inviting atmosphะตrะต. Whilะต thะต opะตn dะตck offะตrs thะต pะตrfะตct spacะต to enjoy the cool sea breeze.

Red Carpet Wะตlcomะต with an Arabic touch

  • 3-Hour Dinnะตr Cruisะต
  • Sumptuous 5-Star Intะตrnational Buffะตt
  • Livะต Music in thะต Background
  • Onboard Facilitiะตs
  • Choicะต of Open-air Upper Deck or Air-conditionะตd Lowะตr Dะตck

ย Revel in the breathtaking views of Dubai Marina, JBR, Atlantis Hotะตl, and morะต from thะต largะตst luxury mะตga yacht in Dubai.

  • Savor a lavish fivะต-star buffะตt dinnะตr mะตticulously prะตparะตd by thะต prะตstigious Wะตstin Hotะตl of Dubai.
  • Delight with different types of entertainment, adding a touch of excitement to your evening.


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